Virtual tour of Pattaya in 3D — newest version

Виртуальный тур Паттайя 2014 WS 300Virtual tour of Pattaya, also called a virtual stroll, now possible allows you to examine in detail the main streets and alleys of the famous resort town. The new version, presented below, you immediately find yourself in Pattaya at the beginning of the most famous streets of the city  — Walking Street, for which many come to Pattaya or wish to make at least a virtual tour here. Another advantage of the new version of the script are updated photos taken in 2012-2014 in the format of 3D, while the old version, presented at 95% of blogs about Thailand, presented outdated photos of 2008-2009, in which the area in such a dynamic city, as Pattaya, corny outdated and does not give a real picture of the present state of the resort.

In order to implement a virtual tour of Pattaya, it suffices to use the mouse, bringing or removing objects using scroll (wheel) by clicking on the points on the streets to move on them, as well as carrying out a panoramic view using the same mouse, hold down the left button, or the same buttons on the keyboard «left» and «right». During a virtual tour, you can examine in detail panoramic 360-degree photos of streets and on the sides of the building, bringing their mouse wheel or double-click on the desired subject.

Moreover, the new version of the program with the ability to activate 3D effect allows deeper plunge into the atmosphere of this extraordinary city, especially when viewed on a big screen TV in the «Full Screen» (rotate the image by clicking in the top-right corner of the program window. To quickly move in the lower right corner of the program have a map of the city, on which you want to move the orange man. Note: some browser map can not be displayed.

Virtual tour of Pattaya — its purpose for you

First, make a trip just wondering, because Pattaya is a very colorful and unique city. Secondly. With the help of a virtual tour of Pattaya, you can better prepare for the upcoming trip to this city, to explore the area near the hotel of your choice, as well as stored in memory location of the main tourist sites. Unlike any map of Pattaya, with which the city can be explored only schematically, ie in top view, a virtual tour is much more interesting to see and understand.

You can make a considerable impression on a girlfriend, friend or company with whom you are going to Pattaya for the first time, well oriented in an unfamiliar city and quickly finding the way to the right place. Third, using a virtual tour of Pattaya can be a long nostalgic after returning home, took a walk around the famous streets and indulge in pleasant memories. Quality panoramic photos is very high, so consider the signs of shops, discos, bars and hotels is easy.

In the near future to a virtual tour of Pattaya and other resorts in Thailand, including «Virtual tour of Phuket island» i want make for all visitors to the site detailed instructions on the use of this truly revolutionary and useful in every sense of service. I also want to again warn Bad using an older version of the program with old photographs, which are able to lead you astray. During a recent trip I encountered in practice that the benchmarks that were in memory when planning hiking around the city, no longer exist: the change of the set of signs, some of the objects and change the profile name, opened new hotels and Go-Go bars. Moreover, some marked on photos of buildings of five years ago no longer exists in reality, and in their place built more modern.

Виртуальный тур Паттайя 2014 Виртуальный тур Паттайя 2014 (новая версия)

For distinguish the old from the current version can be in appearance if front of you window of program divided by 2 (or 3) parts, while in the lower part is a map with blue dots and move around the city takes on a blue circle with the arrow in front of you an old version ( See comparative photo above: the right to a new version of this website, to the left — old). You can see for themselves how many objects are present in the photograph therein is not currently exist. Enough to make a «virtual tour» for the same Walking Street in both versions of the program to make sure that the photos in the old version out of date. Now in the new version signed by all the streets.

Virtual tour of Pattaya with 3D photos

Note: if you want that a virtual tour of Pattaya photos are displayed in 3D mode, you must click on the window of the program the right mouse button and select «3D mode on». Off the three-dimensional mode in the same way (should select 3D mode off «). Have a nice virtual trip !!!

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