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The third webcam Phuket near Patong Beach — perhaps not the best on the island, but definitely the most popular beach on the resort. The camera does not broadcast the video stream, and a slide show, but due to the rapid renewal of the pictures — every few seconds — indicated webcam Phuket can be attributed to the category of online cameras resort. Especially as high-grade cameras with a video stream, which is located in Patong Beach area, there is still no, and it is this, and a few new cameras on the list given at least some idea about the state of the sea and the weather in Patong. A good overview of the camera due to the place of its installation, which acts as the tallest building in the area of the beach — Patong Tower.
As has been written above, the picture at this Phuket Patong webcam updates every few seconds, allowing you to see what the sea in Thailand at this resort (the excitement on the beach, and the color of the water), the presence of clouds in the sky in the center of Phuket, the absence or the presence of precipitation. Also, the lens of the webcam Online Patong Phuket gets part of the buildings on the front along the beach street bars, guest houses and cheap hotels which can be found using the search form located above, etc. Just do not look at the time and date of the timer — it works disgusting and not true (usually do shows for 2012, although the picture is actually updated online). Earlier webcam worked with 06-00 am to 18-00 pm Thai time and at a different time or day of broadcast advertising images made earlier.
Now the situation has changed a bit, so that with the help of the Patong webcam you can see the sunset on the island of Phuket, because the beach is located in the western part of the island. Therefore, almost any time of year, when the sky is not overcast, warm Thai sun sinks into the endless waters of the Andaman Sea in Thailand in almost center of the frame, turning the sky and light clouds in a pink or orange color. And then, when the last bright colors fade dark southern night falls in the sky at Phuket, and with the help of the web camera to see anything is not easy, it is better to pay attention to other Phuket webcam, for example, a noisy Bangla Road at the same beach . Enjoy watching!
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